Emotion Skills Ireland
Bringing International Research on Mental Health to Benefit Young People in Ireland
Listen. Connect. Empower.
Supporting the mental health of young people by supporting the adults closest to them.
At Emotion Skills Ireland, we deliver tailored training to resource parents, teachers and front line workers with skills to navigate emotional health challenges in school or at home.
Seeing young people in your care struggling with their mental health can bring up a lot of emotions - helplessness, fear, despair, shame, hopelessness, frustration and self-blame. Emotion-Focused Skills Training provides practical and simple tools to help you respond effectively and confidently to emotional difficulties, thereby transforming relationships in the home, in school and elsewhere.

EFST for Parents
Click here to learn more about Emotion-Focused Skills Training for Parents.
EFST aims to guide and support you to become emotional coaches for your children, helping you to better recognise and respond to your child's emotional needs.
Our training enables you to deal with your own and your children's emotions, repair relationship breakdown, and improve your ability to set boundaries with your child.

EFST for Schools
Click here to learn more about Emotion-Focused Skills Training for Schools.
School staff are highly trained experts in education. But are faced with increasingly complex and difficult challenges with your students in the areas of emotions, behaviour, motivation and interpersonal relationships.
Our training provides you with the knowledge, skills and confidence to navigate and resolve these challenges as they arise, allowing you to get back to the job of teaching.